Interrogating the role of the noradrenergic
 Locus Coeruleus in aging and
Investigating transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation 

Mareike Ludwig,  
M. Sc. Cognitive Neuroscience

The human brain is an incredibly aesthetic, vulnerable and fascinating organ and I am dedicated to researching healthy ageing and the development and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's disease) using different methodological approaches.

In my research questions, I always consider the interaction between 
individual lifestyle, diverse internal and external stressors, 
nutrition, and physical activity.

I am also intrigued by the characteristics that individuals attribute to their own definition of success, the inherent potential within each person,
and the requirements for successful collaboration in any organization.
Therefore, I also focus on topics such as leadership, team organization and management as well as mental health in the workplace

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